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Taking Care of Your Marine Generator

Marine Generator Service

With summer here, boating enthusiasts will be enjoying their seafaring vessels more frequently than at any other time. For this reason, it is important to perform marine generator service whenever possible to ensure smooth sailing this summer in your boat or yacht.

Marine generators ensure that power is provided for all the onboard electrical features and components of a large vessel or yacht. Below are some tips for ensuring your marine generator will always be ready for Summer waves.

Top Ten Maintenance Tips

  1. Make a habit of performing daily oil and coolant levels check (don’t forget to check at the pressure cap and not just check the overflow bottle), inspecting the water pump belt/alternator and for any leaks beneath the generator unit. This can help you avoid an expensive issue with your generator if you can find and fix the leak early.
  2. When performing marine generator service, inspect the AC load breaker and be certain the switch is set to the OFF position when first starting the generator. Also, remember to allow for a warm-up period of about a minute prior to connecting the load. Afterwards, turn the breaker or switch to the OFF position and allow the unit to cool down before shutting the generator off. Doing this could help prevent the need for costly repairs of the generator diodes and the automatic voltage regulator.
  3. By maintaining the generator’s rated KW load at forty to fifty percent or more at all times, you can ensure that dirty exhaust is avoided. The inverter prefers light loads while the generator can run heavy loads much more efficiently.
  4. Every two years when performing marine generator service, it is important to check the heat exchanger and replace the coolant.
  5. This one may seem like a no-brainer but always remember to carry spare parts and repair tools on board your yacht or large vessel. You never know when you may need to perform maintenance. At the very least, you should carry one spare belt, two spare fuel filters, one spare oil filter, extra coolant and extra oil. Better to be safe than sorry.
  6. Marine generator owners who do not put a lot of time and hours on their unit may only need to change the filter twice a year during springtime and fall when performing marine generator service.
  7. Owners who notice zinc on their generator should inspect them approximately every ninety days to find out how often they must be replaced.
  8. Before starting your main boating season, be certain to change the seawater pump annually. If the old seawater pump still looks good you can use it as a spare after replacing it.
  9. If you start at the dock, be sure to switch OFF the shore power breaker at the dock prior to switching the generator on. The unit could momentarily or even permanently connect to the shore power if the shore power switch is worn out. This can lead to potentially catastrophic and even fatal results.
  10. Every year, when performing marine generator service, check the exhaust wet elbow visually.

For more tips, speak with a marine generator specialist at Diesel Services of America.

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